Friday, August 13, 2021

ORFS Covid Relief at Kolelemook Lake, Springfield, NH

Time for the Outdoor Recreation for Seniors (ORFS) to have Covid relief at the annual "Fun in the Sun" potluck picnic at Luna-See Lodge, Springfield, NH.

After ninety minutes of kayaking, paddle boarding, or hiking around Kolelemook Lake, followed by an optional swim, set up your portable chair, grab a drink, get in line for the covered dish buffet and relax with the ORFS gang. Other silly options: gratitude ceremonial dance with rhythm instruments from all over the world in thanks for our health during the pandemic; and releasing pent-up emotions whacking the virus-shaped piñata! So let gratefulness, freedom, and fun fill our spirits as we celebrate brighter tomorrows together in typical ORFS style.

Enjoy the video of the ORFS "At Play."

Kolelemook Lake, Springfield, NH

Who Are the ORFS?
The Outdoor Recreation for Seniors (ORFS) group meets every Tuesday year-round at 10 am. In the summer, we kayak/canoe, hike, swim; in the fall, we hike; and in the winter, we snowshoe and cross-country ski. Our trips are from 1½  to 2 hours, followed by lunch.

Directions and location are available for our Tuesday 10:am outings via email and the monthly New London Chapin Senior Center Courier newsletter. To learn more and join, contact the Chapin Senior Center at 37 pleasant Street, PO Box 1263, New London, NH 03257 or go to their web site at

This is a very informal group and participation is for all outdoor enthusiasts wanting guaranteed good exercise with a friendly fun group.

" Everyone must do something. I believe I will go outdoors with family and friends"


Steve’s books are available as hardcopy and e-Books at Amazon's Kindle and hardcopy at Harborside Trading Company, 81 Main St, Sunapee, NHWild Goose Country Store, 77 Main St, Sunapee, NHMorgan Hill Bookstore, New London, NH, Bookstore at Colby-Sawyer College, New London, NH, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Gift Shop, Lebanon, NH, and Village Sports, New London, NH.

Outdoor Play has trip preparations, routes, and narratives of bucket list places to go. The book will motivate friends and family to make the outdoors a key component of their daily life. If you want 5 or more books signed, send Steve an email and we can work out the logistics. 

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