Community TV is showing a streaming video of Apps for the Outdoors: Smart Phone Technology for
Fresh Air Activities by Outdoor Steve
Let's use smart phone apps with your outdoor activity. Do you know how fast you ran? How many miles did you bike last month? How far did you walk
your dog? How many miles paddled? Can your friends look at a map and
tell where you are on a remote wilderness trek? Smart phone apps can provide a fun and easy way to maintain a chronology of your outdoor activities.Interestingly, as quoted from 6 Ways to Make Exercise More Fun, Effective and Even Tasty, “Multiple studies have found that high-tech gadgets – such as ….., and fitness apps – help people stick to exercise programs. Who wants to disappoint their iphone?”
Browser Search “Outdoor Enthusiast Apps”
Here are four smart phone Android GPS apps and two desktop/laptop apps I have used for different outdoor activities.
On one of our overnight paddling treks we wanted to do a bit of fancy
campfire cooking. We did a Google search
and found a site recommending cooking an egg inside an orange, and the result
was absolutely delicious (I Never Have to Say, “I wish I had paddled Florida’s Suwannee River” ). On another trip we further tested my outdoor breakfast
cooking skills by cooking an egg inside an onion. Outdoor Steve's Fireside Chat: How to Cook an Egg in an Onion. Interestingly as of today I have over 13,000 YouTube
Recently I
used my iMapMyfitness app with a fellow outdoor enthusiast who carved a
walking and dirt bike trail on his New Hampshire forested property. He asked me if I could give him total
distance of the path with turns and hills of this new trail.
There is no extra step to take the map and stats to
transfer to your laptop. All your routes and workouts data are stored in iMapMyFitness
online servers and not locally on your phone.
Can your spouse/friends follow you and locate where you are on a remote wilderness trek? Yes, if you have WheresMyDroid (WMD) app installed on your smartphone.
- Download the Where’s
My Droid (WMD) app to your cell phone you will be tracking.
- Using the Command feature in the WMD app, go to the Ring Setup and GPS Setup to see the default
Attention Words (e.g. Ring Phone,
and Find GPS, respectively)
- Share the Attention Words with those who will be
following you. To follow you, they
simply send a text message from their smart phone to your phone. The only text sent are the Attention
- The sender will get a text message back with your
GPS coordinates. Enter the GPS coordinates into Google
Earth, and they will see your Droid’s location.
Click the below to see how to download an app to your smart phone (I
use Where’s My Droid as an example.
Where’s My Droid
Download and Setup Video
GPS location apps to Where’s
My Droid are also
available for the iPhone and blackberry at
Google EarthGoogle Earth was a valuable tool for me to plan my paddling trek aroundLake Francis in the Connecticut Lakes area of northern New Hampshire. Before I went to the area we wanted know the paddling distance around the Lake. Click here to see how Google Earth's Ruler feature was used for this outdoor trek.
Earth Ruler Demo
My Tracks
monitors and maps my distance and speed of a power walk, hike, run or any moving exercise. As the below video
will show, a simple Start, and then away I go.
My Tracks has a voice that can be set to announce my distance, speed, and time. For example, I can set the voice to inform me every 1 minute, 2 minutes,
etc, or set it to announce after each mile. My Tracks can be considered a coach giving immediate feedback throughout your exercise (including your dog walk).Demonstration of My Tracks and RunKeeper Video
Battery charging is a major issue with using my smart phone. As new smart phones are released the length of the battery charge time is improving, but these improved charge lengths are still an issue with my overnight treks – unless I carry a spare battery (but this will have the length of charge issue) or use a solar charge (hmmn – hopefully have sun exposure for an extended period of time, and indeed remain in a so-called steady position to maximize solar charging.)
To my rescue for extending my Android Razor
Maxx smart phone battery life has come a company called SOS Ready. Battery recharging is as
simple as turning the handle to output stable, voltage-regulated power to my smart
phone. This device weighs less than 4
ounces, is smaller than my fist, is water resistant, impact and shock resistant,
and needs no battery or light bulb. It
is a great wilderness piece of equipment, and will shortly be part of my
household emergency pack. The
manufacturer does say some phones are not yet ready for this device, so check their
specifications before you order. Battery charging is a major issue with using my smart phone. As new smart phones are released the length of the battery charge time is improving, but these improved charge lengths are still an issue with my overnight treks – unless I carry a spare battery (but this will have the length of charge issue) or use a solar charge (hmmn – hopefully have sun exposure for an extended period of time, and indeed remain in a so-called steady position to maximize solar charging.)
Another issue I have experienced is losing GPS satellite contact. Loss of satellite contact can give you weird statistics, such as I was running when a voice announced my pace of 8 minutes per mile for the first mile. I then walked a bit and the next time the voice reported it told me I was at a 7 minutes 30 second pace. Is this a satellite GPS issue? Hmm, remember to weigh and consider the statistical results. J
This discussion is meant to show how an app can be used to
enhance your outdoor enthusiasm and accomplishments. It is not a recommendation for a particular
app. Some apps are intended for one activity; whereas another may serve
a variety of activities. Many apps are
free, or have a minimal charge. The apps
here offer a free version and for a minimal cost you can get an upgrade
version. Share Your Use of Technology for Enhanced Outdoor Activities.
Share with me your use of technology for outdoor activities at Or
tweet me your favorite outdoor tech activity at @OutdoorSteveYes. Certainly post a comment on this blog.
Never say, “I wish I had tried technology…”
Search for an outdoor app related to your favorite outdoor activity; From within your smart phone, download the app. Browse through its features – and test each one. Challenge yourself with all kinds of questions: Does the app provide opportunity to lighten your outdoor experience? Does the app challenge you in your activity training? Does it offer statistics and opportunities to expand your outdoor experience?
Never say, “I wish I had tried technology…”
Search for an outdoor app related to your favorite outdoor activity; From within your smart phone, download the app. Browse through its features – and test each one. Challenge yourself with all kinds of questions: Does the app provide opportunity to lighten your outdoor experience? Does the app challenge you in your activity training? Does it offer statistics and opportunities to expand your outdoor experience?